Discover: Headspace For Kids

LOS ANGELES, United States  The makers of meditation app Headspace have released a new product to teach children the basics of meditation and mindfulness in a fun and engaging way.

Designed for kids and their parents to enjoy together, Headspace for Kids is one of a growing number of brands targeting the next generation of wellness consumers.

“Maintaining a healthy and happy mind is essential throughout life, but there is no better time to learn than when we are young,” explained co-founder of Headspace Andy Puddicombe.

“This is a wonderful opportunity to give young people the skills that

they need to find a greater sense of calm, focus and connection in their life. But it is more than that…it’s about creating a cultural shift in the way we think about health, nurturing the development of the mind, and providing the foundations of health and happiness for an entire lifetime ahead,” he added.

Leading children through breathing exercises, visualizations and focus-based sessions, Headspace for Kids will feature themes including kindness and sleep, for children aged five and under, six to eight and nine to twelve.

Founded in 2010 by Rich Pierson and Andy Puddicombe, Headspace is one of the top-ranking Health & Fitness apps on iTunes, with over 7 million users in 190 countries.

A vital ingredient of the Headspace project is scientific research. The science team works tirelessly to drive and deliver an external program of mindfulness meditation research within world-class institutions globally as well as build the scientific evidence and credibility of Headspace within the healthcare environment.

Headspace for Kids follows the same ethos. The app, which has been in development since 2014 has been put through rigorous testing in order for the design team to create the best tool possible to teach kids about meditation.

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